Mexico City Constitution

Former City Hall Building, Mexico City

Curaduría: Sergio Raúl Arroyo, Sergio Miranda y Cintia Velázquez

October 2017

In the context of the implementation of the Political Constitution in Mexico City in 2017, the exhibition Irreversible City. The Mexico City Constitution was a space to raise and open the debate, without falling into the folklore of official politics, on the postulates inherent to the new Constitution. .

Beyond an exhaustive exercise on the conformation of the new Constitution, the exhibition proposal highlighted the achievement of social rights won that are considered irreversible: the recognition of diversity, gender equality, guarantee of asylum and refuge, preservation of the environment, medicinal use of cannabis and recognition of indigenous peoples.

Through an open museography and multiple formats such as documents, maps and banns, testimonials, artistic pieces and various information banks, the exhibition allowed visiting citizens to approach a synthetic but critical narration on the forms of government of the City and its laws, becoming a space for memory and reflection.