Cultural heritage

Gertrudis Bocanegra Public Library, Pátzcuaro, Michoacán (2014) and various locations in the State of Morelos (2015 and 2016).

Curated by: National Coordination of Cultural Heritage and Tourism of CONACULTA, Alejandra de la Paz


Cultural heritage, living legacy of your community, was a traveling educational exhibition focused on the cultural heritage of Mexico that allowed a tour of the diversity and richness of Mexico’s cultural heritage, highlighting the importance of knowing it, protecting it and enjoying it.

It consisted of twelve thematic modules that reflected on the value in our lives of the different assets that make up the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, such as gastronomic and musical, linguistic and natural, artistic and artisanal, up to the current creations, the result of the talent and creativity of Mexicans that will be added to the cultural heritage of the future. The exhibition ends with a participatory space that allows reflection on what each community considers part of its cultural heritage. This space also functioned as a forum in which diverse expressions of local culture will be presented.