Run Horse Run. Photography Collections of Televisa Foundation

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO)
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
Curaduría: Alfonso Morales
Proyecto realizado en colaboración con Salvador Quiroz.
August 2004

From a selection of works with horse motifs belonging to the photography collections of Televisa Foundation, complemented with materials from other archives, the exhibit was organized as multimedia in which the horse is recognized and interrogated as a study model, artistic representation and witness of history, and throughout the context of the different scenarios in which it was the main character, as in the Western, the Mexican Revolution, the horse track or the circus.

The challenge of the museographic design came from the reflection and interpretation to achieve, from the apparent stillness of the photograph, a dynamism which would dignify the main character: the horse.

The exhibit presented the works of authors from different periods and regions who share their visions on the quadruped and that were transferred to photography with the praxinoscope, to the epic with the cinema and to the chronic with the fable.

Project carried out with the collaboration of Salvador Quiroz.