The Return of the Giants. German Painting 1975-1985 from the Collection Deutsche Bank
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO)
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
October 2002
Curaduría: Friedhelm Huette e Ivo Mesquita
Some of the most important German artists of the figurative movement created in Germany between 1975 and 1985, inspired in La Vanguardia and in the great masters of the expressionism, such as Penck, Immendorf and Baselitz, were presented in this exhibit.
The exhibit was organized chronologically by artist and according to the group they belonged to. In order to achieve this, the design was based on a system of panels on the walls of the room, where the works in small format were shown; and in the exempt screens and perpendicular walls, the works in large format of each artist were shown to achieve a greater dynamism and proportion in the exhibit.