Defying Stability

Artistic Processes in Mexico 1952 – 1967

Defying Stability, Artistic Processes in Mexico 1952 – 1967 is the result of a broad reevaluation of one of the most dynamic periods in the history of the twentieth-century Mexican art. The Rupture generation and their contemporaries, played a leading role in the exploration of a new course for the arts in Mexico.

The collaborative and coordinated work with the curatorial team made up of six researchers over two years, achieved a exhibition design conceptualization, based on the need to interwine artistic productions of different natures and genres, always taking care of the integrality of the proposal. The intervention of the space was through a museographic design that allowed maintaining the fluidity of the discourse and the constant experimentation with the materials and formal solutions to achieve an intimate and congruent correspondence with the theme.

The project awarded the 3rd place in the Professional Category of the 2015 National Design Biennial, as well as the Miguel Covarrubias National Prize by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia for the best exhibition design in 2015.